Teaching, helping people and horses, is our absolute passion! We think it's important that lesson are fun for both student and horse. All our lesson programs are designed by Irwin Insights master certified trainers and coaches and we are proud to be teaching in an empathetic, horse friendly and professional way.
Industry standard horsemanship lessons teach people to "desensitize horses" so they obey and perform mechanically upon command. At Willow Ranch we "sensitize people" to connect with the counter intuitive mind of the horse so they can truly understand, appreciate and willingly work with us.
We offer both ground work and riding lessons. Work on your confidence or skills under saddle, or learn horse body language while working on the ground. Work on your lungeing, roundpen or in hand skills. Our lessons are for beginners and for more advanced riders, we adjust the lesson completely to your wishes and your level.
Lessons with your own horse
We are happy to work with you and your horse! You can bring your horse to Willow Ranch for a lesson are we are happy to work with you and your horse at your location.